Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Riding the Squall Line (on the edge of the doldrums) 19/03/09

Position 08 07S, 103 47W.
Distance to Marquesas 2077 nm.
Distance from Galapagos 941 nm.
Distance in last 24 hours 148 (day 6).
Now it seems we are right on the edge of the doldrums, so clouds to the North, sun to the left, and nice winds down the middle just where we are. Waves are a bit big and a bit bumpy, but its good wind so we'll take it.
Being kept very busy on board.
Here is a typical day:
First of all we are rotating 3 hours on watch 3 hours off.
Early morning breakfast followed by the rounds checking for chafe.
We inspect all the ropes and pullies, sails etc. (what we can see).
Next its radio time checking in with the other boats out here, its a set schedule and one boat runs the rollcall and we all give a brief report,then we may switch frequencies to chat to the boats nearer to us.
Next job make ice for cocktails later, refill fridge with drinks cooling for rest of day.
Lunch and snoozes followed by a few boat jobs if not too choppy.
Next is showering on deck, which is very pleasant, cooling off after a hot day in the tropics then gently warmed with the setting tropical sun.
Now its time for some iced rum drinks followed by more radio checkins. Then dinner before it goes dark, watches, sleeping and another radio check in at 9 p.m.

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