Saturday, May 23, 2009

Makemo Atoll Tuamoto Archipeligo, 22/05/09.

Position 16 degrees 37S, 143 degrees 34W.
Now anchored in the lagoon in beautiful Makemo.
We've been here a few days now, and are the only visitors on the Atoll.
We have met lots of local people, and are loving the place. Its really picturesque, and hard to believe it has all been built on a small piece of reef sticking out of the huge ocean.
A couple of days ago there was an Argentinian boat in here too; they had wrapped their anchor rope around the prop and ripped out the gear box from their engine. The locals fixed everything for them, and they would not take any money. The sailors gave them some booze, and they accepted that!
We traded some rum with a local man for some lovely black pearls.
Been cycling around the town and out along the reef.
Went to church this morning and were overwhelmed by the beauty of the singing, it really was worthwhile, and fascinating too. Interestingly they do most of the service in the Polynesian language, not French.
Moving to Fakarava Atoll tomorrow.

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