Friday, August 21, 2009

Sunny Days in Tonga

Now the sun has decided to come out from behind the clouds, we've been busy with boat jobs; retensioned the rigging, resewed a broken sail slide currently trying to splice an eyelet in a halyard (like croquet with ropes).......Shiver me timbers we might make mariners yet; we'll probably have everything up to snuff just as we pull into Auckland!!
Anchored in Port Maurelle Bay just south of Neiafu, crystal clear water and sandy beaches just off boat. Will swim over when splicing job complete (as a reward) then a nice rum drink. We have too much cheap Panamanian rum left and are dishing it out to all and sundry who pass by. We have to declare the grog in Fiji, and we hear they take a dim view to hiding it, so we don't want to pay duty or a fine on the stuff, so its drink it, give it away and trade for fish and lobsters, before we leave Tonga.

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